Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Morning GPS Stalking May 24, 2010 MST

Monday Morning GPS Stalkers                                      May 24, 2010 approx 10 am MST

I have written to the Health Ministry several times complaining about the criminal harassment and torture that is victmizing me coming from Alta. Government, and in general from conservatives interested in porn. I am not. As a former aish recipient, I was not supposed to be pornographized.   My engineer cousin Brian Klaponski and his engineer friends in your government do not recognize or concern themselves with how insulting porn is. Torture is insulting and does not mean anything except that brute force has won yet again. I am suffering from severe fatigue, injuries, in addition to your government’s bizarre attack on me with illegal weapons and torture systems. I do not want a person in your government to think that I would want a simple apology and then be appeased. You are the most destructive and violent predators in history. Your destruction of the environment and for the simple fact of exercising your perverse power ploys with a gps sound stalking system, & security system that cause severe environmental destruction, kills people and destroys lives is not something that gets forgiven. The complicity of the perverts in psychiatry these days means that many people suffer bizarre cruelty and don't get past the trauma of your governments torture. Children in foster care were pornographized by the fact of putting them on the net and by the social atmosphere in Alberta. Traumatized and tortured children cannot recover easily from the follies of your government. The pages of Vue and SEE show escorts, physically maimed and brutalized. You make things worse. I have witnessed other people have been run out of your province not all of them as strong even as I am. I was arbitrarily cut off aish after the 2nd sterilization manoeuvre, and run out of subsidized housing. Your government should be concerned with charges of torture, brutality, & negligence but you generally don't have lawyers available for example, for medical malpractice suits, when tools of the trade are lost or when peaceful enjoyment is destroyed and you cannot get to work. When I have tried to use your complaint mechanisms the people in your offices have dismissed my concerns as though I had requested too many chocolates. Instead they are ignoring the fact that you do not even do the job. You do not resolve complaints; you ignore them; the intention of the legislation is to protect people from negligence but instead when I complain to the Alberta Ministry of Health I am battered with brutal violence that destroys my ability to work part time and to walk. So you aggravate the situation, demeaning the people you are employed to serve, you destroy their lives and are not competent to run hospitals or medical facilities. From my experience, your staff, in the hospitals   are too often petty tyrants refusing visitors and exercising sadistic control. They are also killers not only through incompetence but intentionally and by torture. Cease and desist stalking me with your gps. I am seeking damages but you know as well as I do that the lawyers must have been run out of town. I can't afford one out of the pocket after being cut off your aish. And the cost of fleeing Alberta and being stalked in Tilma is forever- for myself, and the environment. Petty tyrants like R.A.Lockhart, of SFU and his extremely important friends are still tyrants and perverse stalker predators when you look at things in a fair hearing but I am being denied a hearing at all; my evidence accumulated and my property needed for work was looted. Being destroyed is not the solution. I am already a maimed individual from the blue machine.

And using intl stalkers doesn't mean anything except brutality over reason even if the Mr. Reason crowd believes they are winning. Chronic fatigue, fybromalalgia are diseases I am now crippled by as the result of your harassment,- and crippled to point of being unable to walk by professional abusers: the blue machine, republicane, Harpers Helpers, and all through tilma people are suffering from the Stellmach staph infection.  Because you don't know that there _is_ environmental damage as well as missing people Alberta government will be hiding its guilt and punishing others for years to come.