Donna Law Rose once dated Rosco

I am being viciously harassed by the police including a probation officer that comes from my home town and hangs around edmonton and the west donnalawrose, i believe she is named now. I haven't been able to shake the attention of the police, the us police and whatever they call themselves for their big money for decades. (over 100.thousand peryear for over 300 of them in VaN?

) I do not live the way I want and need to and they are always bugging my apt. in their various transformations and what can I do ; they do little shakedowns all the time on me; they use mengele style harassment whereby justabout everyone is dying of their meanness; oh no can't be true. have complaints all over including callingthese folks on their business interests too because i am not even a very popular person to begin with and they make me look way worse as they say in edmonton. complaints all over are in process but hardly going anywhere so far. I complained to amnesty about the Kyle Young incident, about my own problems to all their boards and only lost my belongings and got run out of Edmonton proper. i haven't been able to prove that SS sound is why I go nuts when they gps stalk me; I don't have tattos; I don't use pawnshops ; this could be the problem; but mainly I'm not even rosco and they have pretended many times they are going to invade my residence whereever this person can find one as of late. I'm afraid you guys will get tatoos or won't go to church if i say any more.