From: Jan Sam
I have attempted to complain about LPLockharts violence/brutality for years. His son never seems to comprehend that cornering someone like a black person , called a "nigger" in the old days in an alley against a chain link fence with logistics in 1990 is an offence even if done by/with his cia contract. LP Lockhart whined into my apt.while bugging me that he had maimed me: my knees and was involved in killing my father. This is unacceptable. this group are involved along with dw murray in a pre meditated hate crime originating in your province. I was maimed and abused over the years and since Harpers _installation_ with a new vengenace by some republicans but mostly by the blue machine. Can you tell me if the investigation of the prejudice and premeditated harassment by the prosecutor Dan MItchell (mnietchell) (sic?) has been commenced? By his draconian decision I was enslaved to lawyers as in the brain drain; I was tithings to the Law family, who stalked me as though they were in a major musical with a violence that I have never before seen in Canada. Some well known Canadians were apparently connected and tortured by the cia so called anti terrorism projekts and are currently being held still but I am unable to determine where because of the gps sound stalking that stuns you as they assault you with ced or like weapons or similar. This is not democracy. These people do not believe in democracy and should not be elected officials or professors at universities.
Janine Ja Knee nie A.F.Sakowicz,
To the best ot my knowledge the harassment that involved Sony (sew knee) corp and Nestles nest lay was an act of hatred by some eugenicists like McEacherns of the same name as the market research company. Many of the people held ?are people suffering from a hate crime of eugenics by eugenicists. LP Lockhart is a member of the eugenics society in Britain. Part of the violent and brutal torture I endured was sterilization by Nestles drugs and a ray with drugs while in the hospital. My knee surgeons were S.African and to 'make' me Dr.LP Lockhart's "niegger" (sic) is reported to be from S.Africa also.Judge Mc Art neys art knee involvement is not clear.
Please inform me of the status of my complaint
Janine A.F.Sakowicz
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jan Sam
Sent: Thu, December 17, 2009 3:09:27 PM
Complaint Type
General Complaint
Janine A.F.Sakowicz Sakowicz
V0N 1Vo
604-682-3269 (Pager)
Alternate phone
Best time to contact
What government organization or agency is your question or complaint about? (Please identify by name)
Ministry of Education/ thunder Bay Catholic School Board and Lakehead Public School Board, Ministry of Attorney General/ Ontario Public citizens complaint commission
Who have you dealt with in this organization with respect to your complaint?
letters to admin, to shcool boards and to new ont. board of police.
Please summarize the matter you are complaining about and include any relevant dates.
letters first submitted several years ago; the constable making a charge against me was named LeFavre and I was unsuccessful in complaining; now they have a Jde Favori as sup of catholic schools. suggest Donna has used high level drinking buddies to sabatogue my career including Judge Marc Bode a mutual school acquaitance etc.
Summarize what steps you have taken to try and resolve your complaint including any grievance, appeals and/or requests for reconsideration you have submitted and what response you received.
I have attemtped to make complaitns to privte and public bodies including college of physicians and surgeons because there wereincidents of maiming, torture and eugenics admiration eg spreading of racial hatred. The OHRC went through changes and would not process complaitn. I do not receive responses. Do you have jurisdiction over the school board aspect or lawyers./etc now judge.formerly legal aid which I was practically denied though received a certificate eg harassment made use impossible
If you have received a final decision on an appeal or request for review or reconsideration of your complaint, please indicate what the result was and why you feel this was unfair.
eugenics admiration won; hatred spread freely about Polish Canadians to effect that stupid lazy and have affiliationwith dogs that is unsavory.; proof in advertising from Hendersons marketing and McEacherns marketing ; connection to Alberta eugenics board is tasteless. McEachern was head of Alberta Eugenics board. This is a war crime./ a hate crime. They have won by abusing me many times and particularly in conservative times.
If you consider the matter urgent, please explain why.
an apology and compensation long over due. Thunder Bay Catholic district School Board, 459 Victoria Avenue West, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 0A4 Dear Sir or Mme: I have written previously about some harassment from some folks working in the school system. The harassment was apparently at the instigation of Donna Law (Rose?) a former acquaintance who demonstrated some jealousy that I was working as a supply teacher etc. in the system. She had me criminally harassed, stalked, committed aggravated assault, theft, and generally behaved as though she was a mercenary or death squad. The effects on my life have been devastating because the implication is that she knows people on your board supposedly through her father or her ex husband. I don’t know them but the violence has been horrendous. I do know that Donna made threats to my face that have caused others to be locked up for 6-7 years. She has not shown any remorse though I have attempted to complain
politely in the face of a disgusting display of self righteous power. She stated to me that she didn’t think I was qualified etc. thus showing her jealousy. When I was superficially acquainted with Donna in her teens she was already a psychopath in my estimation and had a very serious drinking problem. I helped her out of more than one sticky situation. Not only is she disrespectful of this fact her hostility towards me is unprovoked and now I find myself having to cope with horrible anger at her abusiveness and the abusiveness of her contacts. Further, this abusiveness is premeditated exploitation and a smug breaking of the criminal code. Is there any investigation that can take place through your board? There are connections with political figures on your board and in federal politics. Please assist me because though I worked for your system a long time ago, I am still victim of violence. Sincerely, Janine A.F. Sakowicz Dear Sir or Mme: I have
written previously about some harassment from some folks working in the school system. The harassment was apparently at the instigation of Donna Law (Rose?) a former acquaintance who demonstrated some jealousy that I was working as a supply teacher etc. in the system. She had me criminally harassed, stalked, committed aggravated assault, theft, and generally behaved as though she was a mercenary or death squad. The effects on my life have been devastating because the implication is that she knows people on your board supposedly through her father or her ex husband. I don’t know them but the violence has been horrendous. I do know that Donna made threats to my face that have caused others to be locked up for 6-7 years. She has not shown any remorse though I have attempted to complain politely in the face of a disgusting display of self righteous power. She stated to me that she didn’t think I was qualified etc. thus showing her jealousy. When I was
superficially acquainted with Donna in her teens she was already a psychopath in my estimation and had a very serious drinking problem. I helped her out of more than one sticky situation. Not only is she disrespectful of this fact her hostility towards me is unprovoked and now I find myself having to cope with horrible anger at her abusiveness and the abusiveness of her contacts. Further, this abusiveness is premeditated exploitation and a smug breaking of the criminal code. Is there any investigation that can take place through your board? There are connections with political figures on your board and in federal politics. Please assist me because though I worked for your system a long time ago, I am still victim of violence. Sincerely, Janine A.F. Sakowicz
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