Dr. Edwin Klaponski, his sons and wife Louise, and their business associates
To Barbara Steele Surrey Municipal Councillor.
I have been brutally stalked and harassed by the above and their business assoc. I do not consider gps sound stalking me anywhere and sexually abusing me anywhere by anyone to be appropriate. I do not consider their voyeurism to be appropriate. they are exploiting me as are their business partners and if you are a 'porno' voyeur then you are in conflict of interest. I would not vote for you. no problem they almost killed me and disabled me. I want a no contact order. Little louise's father killed my father to the best of my knowledge with the so wonderful equipment you folks don't own up to many years into the future since it hasn't apparently been invented. I am trying to lay charges against the above but you support him with your guffaws and enjoyment of the torture of poor people and people that you call street workers/sex workers whatever you call them. In my case I disagree definitely with some people that they love to think they are;eg Lp Lockhart and R.A.Lockhart. LP admitted via bugging to having maimed me and participated in the murder of my father. How would I oblige an ivestigation. I just wait while the rcmp takes care of their extra coffee shops, their Tims H...the latter were known to a so called uncle of mine in 1957 to the best of my knowledge and have been stalking me since. this is unfair businees practice, unfair competition, against the Chartre of rights and freedom and edwin would just think he was an "adult", the violence which you condone as being 'competative' or 'necessary' to keep you in business is killin you yourselves. I don't particularly care anymore but how can you justify the abuse and grief that they caused me. I am reasonably educated and it is not my obligation to teach for free via your torture mechanisms. I am not interested in assisting people for free that have the money that most of the people abusing me do to use porn and sexually abusive techniques to commit acts of hatred and torture.