Come Out: Take your local institution to the BBB

Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau's Online Complaint System.

Your complaint has been assigned case # 1634074.

Filed on : February 14 2010

Filed against :

Alberta Hospital Edmonton

17480 Fort Rd NW RR 6

Edmonton AB T5B 4K3

Complaint Description:

still problems with AHE and in particular Dr.Kevin Morin; he was dropped from my file yet continues to stalk me, criminally harass me, and assaulted me a matter of minutes ago using security system of a private residence.(fev14,2010) His peers some of whom are neurologists and members of my family are exploiting me for purposes of prostitution, identity theft, collection of data, obstruction of process (landlord/tenant disputes), and font de mischiefs comme si c'est leur droit a acceder vos biens et vos dossiers. Je suis deja sur le far side de brain damage ayant eu un mysterieux accident ou j'ai subi une assault....

Your Desired Resolution:

response and consideration of numerous attempts to complain. Ce sont des gens tres droit je me rends compte et probablement fascist malgre qu'ils se sont abonnes aux organismes civils.

This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.

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