My alma mater stalks

Fw: Hate crime by the Sawadas, Hoeschmann, Butt Fin,Murrays, and certain unkowns in the medicine faculty

From: Jan Sam View Contact



Dear sir:

I believe the Dzieckji hearing is connected somehow to my own problems in that cia probably hit Mr. Dzieckji.(eg childrencanski)......Nathanial Branden just like a death squad is harassing me in my apt at this very minute. They shoot at me with illegal equipment/weapons and bomb in my area apparetnly.This is an atrocity and I am opposed to the bombing whether by cia, Laws, Sawadas or others that have access to the button. I am requesting that you write a letter on my behalf to the university demanding that these people apologize and are fired....At SFU the Lockharts have been very amusing to themselves alone in their brutality and in stalking me eg corning me against a chain link fence in 1990 see


Janine A.F.Sakowicz

Subject: Fw: Hate crime by the Sawadas, Hoeschmann, Butt Fin,Murrays, and certain unkowns in the medicine faculty

Subject: Hate crime by the Sawadas, Hoeschmann,Laws, Butt Fin,Murrays, and certain unkowns in the medicine faculty

Today again Brenda Sawada is criminally harassing me and in fact her brutal abuse and threats is so severe that she and her buddies have not allowed me to sleep and have destroyed my personal life with their hate and violence. the motive is she and her husband do not want to pay up for a business venture that involved satirizing me when in fact it was a crime of hatred and depicted me in a lascivious and stereotyped manner. If I had done something similar about Japanese Canadians there woudl have been an uproar in their favor. Instead, she and her husband have been abusive to me for years calling me in essence a stupid polack etc.and crazy. I beleive your university is biased by having only war memorials pro one side not a holocaust museum discussing for example the slaughter of the handicapped and mentally ill. I have been forced to be a mental health client for political reasons for many years and I was maimed.Because Ms.Sawada and her dear hubby are

very tied to Sony (SEw Knee)corporation,they likely know the entire story of the maiming. So my education at ubc was wasted and I was enslaved by Sawadas and business assoc. They have also stalked me relentlessly, entrapping me, also assaulting me with illegal weapons. I am demanding an investigation and that they cease and desist.

She has tied herself to Nathanial Branden institute as though she were the sole person able to represent a peace process then haranguing me over the internet gps system, hitting me with dissipatory devices with the intent to kill, bombing where she found I might be living. Because of her assoc. with the N.b. institute I believe sheis acting on behalf of the cia in Canada and demand that she be fired. All the business partners were invovled in this behavior. Her motives were racial hatred, religious hatred, and hatred for my gender preferences etc. Donna Law Rose one of her business partners used the Hong Kong Bank and affiliates to illegally incarcerate me. So the university is performing as planned for the neoliberal revolution. Her harassment of me began when she first started to stalk me in the mid 70s. It is my understanding that she is a bright or eugenicist and has association with the Lockharts who have made similar threats and taken similar

brutal strategies against me.


Janine A.F.Sakowicz