Sunday, March 14, 2010

Policy Revision: Clients visit and lobby for the rights of one another

Isolated and vulnerable people, deserted by conventional families are often victims of labeling. Clients obviously need to act on one anothers behalf to ensure rules are obeyed by staff, that rights are respected, that documents are followed through to appropriate agencies and to defend someone in the face of cruelty. Across history conventional defenders like the Schizophrenic association have turned into diabolical monsters siding with the family to arbitrarily impose scapegoating of clients and petty cruelties because they are promised kickbacks. Psychiatrists in Canada are rubber stamp vestiges of a colonial monarchy now modernized as the rubber stamps of conservative values. Clients are bullied and abused in a million ways and rarely does this come to the fore. There are murders, overdrugging incidents, acts of brutal cruelty eg. burnings, use of isolation to intimidate and gain sexual favors has always been a big favorite of institutions where dictator personalities act out their take on reality, ect is used to torture people for crying and for assault claimed by a dubiously honest system, clients are institutionalized because they are victims of eugenics and are punished for having normal interests in children and wanting to break away from male oppression of the kind of conservative that threatens death penalty for idiosycratic disobedience eg. like not cooperating sexually, convulsions are used to frighten and as hocus pokus. I have myself experienced most of these kind of tortures in Alberta. I have not had the cooperation of reporting mechanisms in place. I am not reporting other peoples issues because of the legal difficulties that the hospitals caused afraid that the whole shebang might be sued. Before we can move to sue for negligeance or incompetance we need to fight for our right to share info with one another not only those institution advocates that are often defensive. We need to provide for lawyers willing to sue hospitals, doctors etc because the work is dangerous. In a clinic unit where there was a supervising psychiatrist, a former colonial empire, I was threatened with the electric chair in Canada. Punishment with shocks, maiming etc. is a common feature in todays economic shakedown.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Alert: Alberta Hospital Edmonton is not functioning as a decent business

I've had more harassment from Dr. Kevin Morin and his peers Attention: The loony bin in Alta. proper


Cc:;;; Better Business Bureau ;;;;;; Elder Advocates Of Alberta

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta CC'd as above

Dear CPSA:

I am sickened that a few seconds ago, Dr. K. Morin and his henchmen have again abused their privileges in order to stalk and threaten me. BTW, perhaps I must comment they are not supposed to do what they can get away with.

I notice sadly as well that you are not answering my letters. Perhaps it is time the public realized that nazi Germany couldn't work with peer review successfully either. I believe taking review of physicians conduct away from a boys club and into the domain of public conscience, far away from the understated sarcasm of the kind of 'guys and dolls' that get into med school these days, is a first step.

Cease and desist stalking me and releasing my private health info. It is a war crime; eg your labels are a war crime. YOur therapy when o.k. is cruel and unusual punishment, and the every day therapy is torture and against the Geneva convention. YOur hospital needs to be investigated for crimes against humanity. In a first attempt, I have submitted a complaint to the ethics and compliance mechanism...

Wit love to Natas'a,

Janine A.F.Sakowicz
